I am happy to hear from you in the way that is easiest for you.
I can best be reached at [email protected] throughout the day. I check my email during the morning (8:30), while the students are at their special subject areas (9:35-10:20), at recess time (11:30-11:50 unless I am working with students or have duty), and the end of the school day (3:30).
You can leave a message in my voicemail if your prefer to call the school @ 508-946-2045 ext 4044. (I am not able to accept incoming calls during school hours, so don't use this method for information that cannot wait until after school.)
Notes can be sent in at any time, either a quick note in the agenda or a separate note in an envelope. I make it a habit of getting back to you within 24 hours, unless I am out of school for the day.
I can best be reached at [email protected] throughout the day. I check my email during the morning (8:30), while the students are at their special subject areas (9:35-10:20), at recess time (11:30-11:50 unless I am working with students or have duty), and the end of the school day (3:30).
You can leave a message in my voicemail if your prefer to call the school @ 508-946-2045 ext 4044. (I am not able to accept incoming calls during school hours, so don't use this method for information that cannot wait until after school.)
Notes can be sent in at any time, either a quick note in the agenda or a separate note in an envelope. I make it a habit of getting back to you within 24 hours, unless I am out of school for the day.